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Thread: Inappropriate marking:One step forward, two steps back

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    Elite Cat
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    Inappropriate marking:One step forward, two steps back

    Merlin's recovery is ongoing, and it looks as though more antibiotics are needed to clear his UTI. For whatever reason he has sought revenge on my bathroom rugs and simply will not stop peeing on them. When we had this issue with Sampson I had to scrub the floors with boiling hot water and vinegar and treat the problem areas with Feliway for weeks. It did work but good Lord it was hard work!
    Until quite recently Merlin never covered his stuff in the box either, and I showed him how a few times. I praised him for using the box and covering today, gave him some treats immediately.
    Seriously...Stop peeing on my rugs Merlin!!! I use enzyme cleaner after every mess, wash them in extra hot water, we have Feliway plug ins.
    We are, however, suspecting a vision problem. Merlin's eyes are a bit cloudy and his pupils do not constrict normally in bright light. My rugs are black and white-perhaps he is mistaking them for something else?
    Yet he can chase his toys around and terrorize Sampson...This cat makes me nuts!!!!
    Alekto and donnad like this.




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