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27th February 2014, 03:42 AM #1
Is this usual MC behavior?
Back story:
Emerson disappears for a period each day, usually a few hours, goes out our 1st story den window or bolts out the door to our back yard which I know won't hold him with 6 ft. walls, always comes back to our suburb home. Today he was spooked by my 15 week old German Shepherd out the window but he was gone for 9 hrs. getting us worried, at 6pm just when we were checking his chip info we hear the familiar meow and for the 3rd time in 5 days he was on my roof. I have no idea if he was just sleeping up there because if he is in ear shot he comes when we call him. This is my first experience with an MC and he always comes home just looking for a little guidance, I can't leave him locked up but worry about where he is.
BTW 20 lb Emerson:
.Last edited by Emerson; 27th February 2014 at 03:45 AM.
27th February 2014, 05:58 AM #2
My Mandy Coon is a climber, and her agility and total lack of awareness makes my heart stop sometimes. We had new windows installed a few weeks ago, and just the other day one of the workers informed me that Mandy jumped out the second story window and onto the roof while they were working. Thankfully, this worker was clever enough to gently coax her in and not panic!! Mandy will climb the fence, tall trees, anything she thinks she can climb without a second thought. I generally don't allow her outside because she is rather careless!! As for the roaming, my ginger tabby male will roam for several hours. Being neutered does not always eliminate that instinct, and Sampson even has a girlfriend that he visits regularly. I wonder if your handsome boy has a special "friend" somewhere?? It took a random visit to my backup vet to discover the truth about Sampson's whereabouts. The clerk saw my address (didnt know the woman from Adam) and asked If I had an orange cat named Sampson, and had I seen a long haired white cat. Turned out she lives behind us and is the owner of Cupcake, a stunning white female MC and the love of Sampson's life LOL! Start asking your neighbors...might be surprised at what you discover!
Sounds all like the usual MC antics to me!