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Thread: Is this usual MC behavior?

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    The Quiet Kitten
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    Is this usual MC behavior?

    Back story:

    Quote Originally Posted by Emerson View Post
    We rescued a 4 year old male MCC 5 days ago a day after we had to euthanize our 17 year old female Shaded Persian cat that we rescued from a kitten mill at 6 years old. I've never been a cat person as my Persian (maybe because of her captivity) wasn't very social or active, basically what I called an eating, sleeping, crapping machine but my better half loved her so I tolerated her.

    5 days after we got him I am in love with him 20 lb. male playful, curious, very out going, we leave our front and back doors open, back door at all times. He'll disappear for hours but always comes home. He's still a little spooked by my curious 15 week old male German Shepherd, so I guess that relationship will take some time. I knew nothing of the breed when we adopted him and it's absolutely crazy how he jumps from place to place. I've already caught him on my roof....twice, he jump about 30 in. onto my BBQ bricking and then the 6 ft. onto the roof, just blew me away.

    I'll report more on his progress and post a picture shortly, he is a hoot.

    Emerson disappears for a period each day, usually a few hours, goes out our 1st story den window or bolts out the door to our back yard which I know won't hold him with 6 ft. walls, always comes back to our suburb home. Today he was spooked by my 15 week old German Shepherd out the window but he was gone for 9 hrs. getting us worried, at 6pm just when we were checking his chip info we hear the familiar meow and for the 3rd time in 5 days he was on my roof. I have no idea if he was just sleeping up there because if he is in ear shot he comes when we call him. This is my first experience with an MC and he always comes home just looking for a little guidance, I can't leave him locked up but worry about where he is.

    BTW 20 lb Emerson:

    Last edited by Emerson; 27th February 2014 at 03:45 AM.




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