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  • 1 Post By MandyCoonie

Thread: Well Bathtub D-Day is over with!!

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    Elite Cat
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    Well Bathtub D-Day is over with!!

    Well what a fun day me and my 2 boys have had today lol

    So I have been wanting to get the boys used to having baths and today was the day to start, now I did want to take this slowly and just let them have a paddle in the bath but they were honking a bit and so I did the whole hog and washed them eeek!!

    Shadow knew something was up as soon as we went in the bathroom and didn't want to let me go, but I put him in and he was ok with the half inch of water in the bath but was really not amused at all when I went and poured water over him!! He was very vocal too about not being happy, but apart from trying to climb me to get out of the bath (OOWWW!!) it wasn't too bad. Used some neutral shampoo and then gave him a good drying off with a towel and then put him in the warm lounge. He was shaking and was not a happy man I can tell you!!

    Kahn was fine with me putting him in the water too but again tried climbing me when I started to pour the water on, he didn't struggle as much as Shadow and didn't say a thing but he did shake a lot poor baby. Really wasn't nice seeing them shaking but I knew they needed the wash. I left them in their climbing center and let them lick themselves and calm down oh and gave them some dreamies, but they they were fine with me stroking them etc and they have eaten dinner so I am happy they are fine.

    So next time I am going to let them just have a paddle and then they can come out.




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