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Thread: Food allergy

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Food allergy

    i wondered if anybody could give me a bit of advise!

    My Maine Coon Kitten keeps being sick, I have taken him to the vets and they have advised it's his food and to try new ones.
    He was on Royal Canin Maine Coon Kitten food, and I have just tried James wellbeloved on the recommendation from the vet, but he has vomited again!
    Any ideas of what else to try?

    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    Are you wet or dry food feeding him,if dry get him onto wet as dry food can cause vomiting & just let him have a few
    donnad likes this.

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    Is your kitty's vomit yellow or foamy? Does she get sick right after eating or does it happen several hours later?
    My senior MC has hardly any teeth and can only eat wet food. If he is not fed at least 3-4 times a day his tummy will get upset from being empty and he will vomit yellow liquid. If this is your situation I would recommend free feeding Kitty or increasing the amount given or adding a scheduled meal.
    If Kitty gets sick right after a meal and vomits her food undigested, she could be allergic to an ingredient-most likely a food dye. I had a Siamese-Himalayan mix that would projectile vomit if he ate any food with the Red 40 dye. Kitty could also be eating too fast, or for some reason is not comfortable with her eating space and is nervous. My Mandy Coon cannot eat around other cats and will vomit or refuse meals unless she is isolated or has me sitting nearby to protect her. If all else fails, of course check with your vet to rule out serious illness!
    donnad likes this.

  4. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    He is on dry food. He doesn't vomit right after food, it is normally a few hours later. The vet thinks it is a food allergy. If i was to change him to wet food, what would you suggest? I have been giving him Felix kitten wet food every now and again, but don't know how good this is?
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  5. #5
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    Mine have all been brought up on Felix from kitten through to senior,biscuits they have Royal C or sanabelle,as a kitten they get full sachet of food plus fair amount of biscuit but as they pull back on amount needed I drop the biscuit content,would much rather give them more meat if needed,as I have six for night time i use the tinned Felix as it works out cheaper than the sachets {brekkie time}but they have very resticted bikkie amounts just a little for a change of texture & they have set feed times,kittens have brekkie afternoon tea & supper but then afternoon tea gets dropped & they are fed twice a day but after lunch I have a catic maize & I do put a small amount of dry in there for them to work for if they feel the need....
    How good is it is another question but having worked for a vet for 40 years all I can say is we never had half the health problems brought on by food allergies,skin conditions,obesity,diabetese,cystitis as we get nowadays when the choice of food for pets was kit e kat for felines or chappie for K9's plus fish heads,scraps etc as an added extra to their diet,my cats have always flourished on cheap & cheerful wet food {would always say go good for dry though} & I have show winners too & the number of times the judges have said that my cats have a "good kitchen" because of their body & coat condition...... If you are happy with felix go for it if theer is something else you fancy for your babe go for it but do not think you have to go for the most expensive wet out there you don't unless of course babe doea have an allergy & that in time could dictate what you feed but the vet on your first visit didn't appear too concerned so give something else a try for a while but obviously if he continues to vomit or goes quiet then get him back to your
    donnad and AFK_Matrix like this.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Kittens Katie (6th March 2014)

  7. #6
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    Hi Kittenskatie,
    I would ask the breeder what food they were feeding the kitten, chances are changing the kittens food to fast is causing gi upset. Good luck Donna
    AFK_Matrix likes this.

  8. #7
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    here is what my breeder advised, when I brought mine home:
    don't give any dry food in the first 12 months - it is much tougher on the stomach and too rich for them
    don't give gravy pouches, gravy is very rich and also bad, especially (strangely enough) kitten gravy pouches, they are even richer than adult ones.
    so, only wet food pouches, in jelly. Felix works absolutely, but we did try to find some that has a larger meat content - I found some with 70% meat for example but unfortunately I forget the name. The higher the meat content the better, as really cats eat meat, not all the other stuff they put in the pouches to make it look like they are having a balanced meal. For example, if you see something that has carrots and green beans for a more balanced diet, keep away as it's just marketing...
    out of principle, I especially boycot Iams - their advert makes it sound like pouches of wet food are bad because they have water, when in fact it's the reverse, cats need water but don't drink enough as they don't really feel the thirst like we do. They also don't tell you of all the crap they put in the kibbles to make them stick together, and chances are that might be what your kitty is reacting to. They put ash in there, they put rice and gluten to make it stick....
    Now mine is 3 years old - I started feeding her gravy pouches when she was one and a half - and indeed at first it kind of made for a rather stinky litter. Then when I started seeing her drink out of the tap (that's our routine, every morning we leave the tap trickling a bit for her to drink from) THEN I was reassured, I know she does drink, so she's allowed Royal Canin MC dry food as a complement - but only as a complement - I still give her 3 pouches of wet food per day, of which the little brat only eats half because after it's been in her plate for more than 5 minutes it's not good any more (she says) - I feed her the one she likes right now, Sheba duet... don't know if it's the best for her, but that's pretty much the only one she'll eat at the moment.
    Also she loves cooked chicken and salmon - always has, even when she was little - so you may want to try that with your Baby (not from our plate, she gets her own, because we like oinions and garlic in ours and that is extremely bad for cats - so whenever I make chicken or salmon I have to keep a piece aside for her that I cook separately. I have to. she won't leave me alone until I give her a piece and gets extremely crabby if I try to hog the chicken for myself, going as far as stealing it from my plate while I'm eating. Hence her Pirate reputation.)

  9. #8
    Elite Cat
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    Hey there,

    I am no expert and I haven't really had a cat with an allergy to food or anything but after reading Alekto's post thought I would add my 2p's worth

    I have now had my 2 boys for 2 weeks and they are now eating raw food and dry food without any problems. The breeder had them on a mix of Royal Canin wet and biscuits, Iams wet food and felix which I personally wasn't happy with as felix hasn't got a great meat content and Royal canin is expensive. So I have slowly switched them over onto a raw meat and high meat content diet and they are thriving on it, if my scales are correct they have gained 1kg in a week!! I buy my raw meat from Natural Instincts online and it comes frozen and the boys love it, I then at lunch feed them Animonda Carny which I buy from Zooplus just to break up the raw meat diet. I then put down a small amount of Applaws biscuits as they are cereal free and have a high meat content, I personally haven't had any problems that Alekto describes and they love them and I am much happier them having these biscuits compared to Iams or Royal Canin as they have cereals in etc.

    Now not everyone agrees with feeding raw meat to their cats but my 2 boys are thriving on it and their coats are gorgeous and silky. So perhaps you might wan't to pickup some raw mince from your supermarket and see if your MC takes to it. Don't feed them just the raw mince instead of your normal food though as it doesn't have all the nutrients that cats need, but it is a cheap way to see if they will even touch raw meat.
    Alekto and donnad like this.

  10. #9
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    oh absolutely, don't get me wrong AFK, if Neevie didn't turn up her nose at raw meat she'd get that too (yes, I think as a complement, too)... I think the more meat the better... and raw still has a lot of moisture so can hydrate just as well as water - it's just that the few times I have offered her raw meat she hasn't touched it.
    I just think that if kitty has tummy problems, then dry food, and kitten in gravy, is probably to be avoided for now till he gets better.
    And KittensKatie, please note, this is the subject of debate on quite a few threads on the forum - so like Donna said above, have a read at all that... :-)
    AFK_Matrix likes this.

  11. #10
    Elite Cat
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    Don't get me wrong Alekto I wasn't criticising what you feed Neevie at all! I just saw you mention about no dry food in the first 12 months and thought I'd mention that I have had no problems with the dry biscuits I have been feeding, this could be because of the no cereal and high meat content in the Applaws biscuits. I also wanted to agree with you about felix and the iams food. In my opinion the felix is like our takeaways and the iams has a load of stuff in that isn't nutritious for cats.

    I am just hoping my boys keep on liking the raw meat!
    Alekto likes this.


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