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Thread: Integration *sigh*

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Integration *sigh*

    OK, so I wasn't sure if I was posting this in the right section but it is to do with integrating my Maine Coon boy and my moggie.

    MC is no longer kept in the kitten room and is able to wander freely, he is a very happy chappy and announces himself whenever he comes in the room.

    My moggie is almost 2 and used to being a lone kitty and my poor MC just wants to play (I do understand that this may never happen for him, but here's hoping)

    At the start moggie was aggressive and upset just at the smell of him, under the advice of a friend I got a felliway plugin and this has made it mildly easier (not enough) Then I was advised to try Serenum...have stopped using this now as didn't seem to be having the right kind of effect.

    I have read all the intro articles, but they aren't very good at letting you know what to expect when you do finally have them able to be in the same room. I have the odd hissing spat from her and the odd bat but no big eruptions or anything to be worried about on that side. I hope that alot of her behaviour is just because she's still sulking. They have been on face to face levels for about 1 week.

    Please help, let me know what odd behaviors you experienced when integrating?
    donnad likes this.




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