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Thread: Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
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    Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?

    Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?-photo.jpg
    People keep commenting on how big he is and "oh he must be part Maine Coon". Finally decided to ask some experts because I went into the vet today and saw a kitten the same age that was 1/3 his size. In the midst of uploading a video as well. He is about 7 months old but is pretty much the size of an adult cat (still has his kitten face though). Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?-photo-2.jpg

    Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?-img_6632.jpg
    Last edited by megan123; 15th March 2014 at 09:10 AM.
    Alekto and donnad like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    He has the long tail & big thick boning of a MC also still having a kitten face points towards there being some MC in there even if he isn't "full blown" ..... MC's don't fully mature until they are four years old either in size,weight or face maturity so will be very interesting to see if he carries on growing,they also love playing with water & tend to chirrup at you & most of them just luv human company...... whatever he is though he is a smashing fella & keep us

    Have just watched your video & reckon if you had said he was a brown mackerel MC I would have believed
    Last edited by jckkerrison; 15th March 2014 at 11:26 AM.
    Alekto and donnad like this.

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Thanks for the response! I will certainly keep an eye on how he grows and will keep you all updated. We found him in the ditch all alone when he was just a handful of a kitten so we really have no idea of his origins. He definitely loves being around his people. He waits for us on the front mat to get home from school every day and will follow us around the house.
    jckkerrison, Alekto and donnad like this.

  4. #4
    Happy Kitten
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    He's absolutely gorgeous, I definitely don't think he's a straightforward BSH. He's the same age as my MC Beau and I actually think he looks more like a Norwegian Forest Cat than a Maine Coon - have you looked them up at all? They're really similar looking breeds, but comparing him to Beau, his ears look a bit more 'squat' and he actually looks like he has an even heavier coat and more of a ruff around his neck. Google them too & see what you think! I've attached a recent picture of Beau so you can see what I mean.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Do I have a Maine Coon mix or just an abnormally large DLH?-image.jpg  
    donnad likes this.




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