Maybe he wants to be a human )
And for me this is strange behaving for a cat!
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Maybe he wants to be a human )
And for me this is strange behaving for a cat!
It is a MC trait for some to use their paws to eat their food,also they put their paws in the water bowl & then suck from their paw or in our case paw in fish pond,lovely,also they use their paws a lot to guide your hand where they want it to be such as right place to scratch behind their ear or as in Damurs case to be fed,my favourite is night times sitting on the settee with Shimba as he just loves to hold your hand,makes me melt to have a paw curled round my fingers all evening holding on......x
yup - Neevie does that too - she is never going to beg, or try to drag a piece of meat with her mouth, but she tries to grab it with her paw first. It has to be smelled, properly, thoroughly, too, before it can go into the stomach.
and she does that hand-guiding thing too. It's like "come on, you're not doing it right, make an effort, here, I'll show you" :-D
Damur also likes to pat everyone with his paws! )
I think it is funny )
This is just feeding the myth that the breed mated with racoons way back when. :D
Maybe they do this because want to hunt? )
May be .... but I doubt it :smile: he's fed, he's happy, why would he want to hunt? I think animals only want to hunt when they are hungry... I don't think they hung just for the pleasure.
do you have a datcha, Alice? do you take him to the garden sometimes?
I live in a house, so he goes for a walk everyday! :) And he hunts there on a bugs or mice (we had them a year before sneaking between flowers).
Here is he in the grass
Attachment 7534
Attachment 7535
Our big ginger tabby Sampson is well fed, perhaps overfed, and he is a fierce hunter. Some cats just have a natural instinct to hunt. I thought he was napping in the sun and suddenly he took off running after a bird he saw in the garden. He has killed many birds, mice, and even small squirrels, and also kills fireflies and butterflies. However, when we had a mouse in the basement he didnt even try to catch it! I guess why bother chasing the food when it's in a dish in the kitchen???
Sampson is not a MC, and he will hold his prey between his paws, then bat them around while they are still alive before he eats them. He's a big baby cat inside, terrified of his own shadow, but he is a bloodthirsty menace to society outside LOL! My two MC's wouldn't know what to do, and I think early exposure to hunting makes a difference sometimes. Sampson probably spent the majority of his life outdoors and learned to hunt as a kitten. My other three are too domesticated lol
Yes, I know that thing, Damur once had eat a fallen little bird from a nest! Terrible!