Eating unusual things?
Last night, Mandy found what was probably an ancient pizza crust under the sofa and ate it! To my knowledge, she has never eaten bread of any kind, let alone something as tough and crunchy as a pizza crust left to mummify in a corner. Her food dish was full, water dish was full, and I really do not know why she ate this. Typical worried me I suppose, but I hope this doesn't indicate any problems! Cats are so strange... :rofl:
Ha ha! ) This is so funny!
Damur doesn't like pizza as well as human food like chips or a watermelon.
But he likes to eat some bugs or spiders he found in a dusty corners ) Or sometimes he eats a web!
Neevie doesn't like many things unless she has to steal it - then it's fair game... If I want her to eat something, I just partially cover it and put it overnight on the counter where she knows she's not supposed to go. The next day, the whatever it is is mostly gone.
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Whiskey will eat anything & everything. When he eye-spies something on the ground he eats it before he thinks. Then he realizes that perhaps the item wasn't something edible. He's eaten fuzz, tiny stones, paper, crumbs, dust bunnies, etc... His motto is eat 1st ask questions later.
Out-of-town friends & family are given written instructions informing them about problem of leaving their medications laying around. The things our MC's get into. Each day is different in a wonderful way.
Why does Whiskey eats stones and paper? This is not a food )
Very strange...
Alice Lilly - Don't know why Whiskey eats whatever he sees. He just sees a something bite size and goes for it. He never sniffs it to see if it's edible or not. Of course we do whatever we can to keep from from eating non-food items. But sometimes he's too quick.
could it be that his sense of smell is damaged somehow?
Ned will try and eat anything that he considers fair game... The boys Cheerios in the morning, bread, butter, crisps, peas... You name it he's at it. Last week my 2 year old snuck out of bed and I caught him and Ned stood on a chair raiding the fridge together.
Oops I thought the thumbs up was a "like" button LOL! Anyway that must have been an adorable sight to see, did you manage to get a picture??
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