The Wanderer
I've only had my MC for about 6 weeks so I'm new to this breed, mine is fascinating and lovable. He's male, we rescued him and he'll be 5 years old next month so you know his vitals. I live in a 1 story house front and back yard completely fenced. He's an indoor/outdoor cat if he comes in the front he jumps in an always open front window in the back we leave our sliding glass door to our deck always open. He disappears for hours at a time, yesterday he was gone 10 hours, started to worry and bang he jumps in the front window. Lord knows what he does at night is this like a predatory behavior or something? He always comes back though, he knows where his food is, I wish he'd stop wandering on my roof also, these MC's can really jump :cool:
My first MC was a rescue named Rosie. She was also an indoor-outdoor cat, a fantastic hunter, just lived up to every old tale you hear about the breed and must have been descended from the ship cats. She would regularly leave for days, usually 2-3 sometimes more, but she was never very far away. There is a wooded area behind my mom's house and that's where she preferred to spend her time. I will say this, though, only because we suffered a terrible loss when Rosie was only 7: keep up to date on shots especially feline leukemia. She died a painful and horrific death from FLV and my mom still blames it on not keeping up with shots every year.
We had another cat named Aleah that also liked being outside. Sometimes she would stay out all night but always be waiting in the morning. One day Aleah still wasn't home, another day passed, and another, so we assumed the worst. NINE MONTHS LATER Aleah returned, slightly thinner and cold, as it was the dead of winter, and we had absolutely no idea where she went or how she made it back home. My guess is some little old lady was feeding her and maybe letting her inside, but Aleah wasn't exactly a friendly cat lol. They can and will go on adventures-watch Milo and Otis lol!
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