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Thread: The Wanderer

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    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
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    The Wanderer

    I've only had my MC for about 6 weeks so I'm new to this breed, mine is fascinating and lovable. He's male, we rescued him and he'll be 5 years old next month so you know his vitals. I live in a 1 story house front and back yard completely fenced. He's an indoor/outdoor cat if he comes in the front he jumps in an always open front window in the back we leave our sliding glass door to our deck always open. He disappears for hours at a time, yesterday he was gone 10 hours, started to worry and bang he jumps in the front window. Lord knows what he does at night is this like a predatory behavior or something? He always comes back though, he knows where his food is, I wish he'd stop wandering on my roof also, these MC's can really jump
    The wanderer




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