3 Attachment(s)
Hi Goldie,
Its great you are getting along with the Applaws food. I have a quick question though as I have been getting the odd tin of Applaws wet kitten food for my boys as a treat but have found that the food has changed in its look and wanted to see if you had the same thing. I have attached some pictures of what I am getting when I open a tin of Applaws and it is far different to how it used to be and the food at the bottom of the tin is a different colour!! It looks like it is actually off and I really don't want to feed my boys this if it is off, so does your applaws look like this:Attachment 7558Attachment 7559Attachment 7560
Hi Matrix, in all honesty, I don't use that food - the kitten food seems to be more of a pate consistency, the one I use is more breast flakes, I'll take a pic of it later on when I feed them again.
Our Sidney has been through just about every "premium" cat food out there - the only one that seems to work for him is Orijen dry food - it's 80% meat and cereal free so it might be worth a try. He refuses just about everything else and weighs 5.1 kg at 2 years old. He has been growing steadily, he keeps outgrowing his walking jackets, but he is just skin, bone and attitude. As you can imagine, he is a regular at the vets and they say that he is healthy and bright and not to worry. My teenage son is exactly the same - a string bean has grown out of a chunky kiddie - so I'm hoping both will fill out as they mature.
Sid is easily 2 kg down from the average at his age, he eats well and has no dental problems or worms and his poo is normal. Apart form the odd sniffle that we hit every time it appears (still trying to determine if he is allergic to something or what???) he is well; he is very active all the time, climbing trees and hunting in the garden. He has had regular steroid shots which get him up to 6 kg, but then it just fades off again. At 6 kg he feels thin, but ok. at 5 kg he is worrying. People say "what a big cat" when we are out, then they stroke him and feel vertebrae... not great.
He has now started to supplement his diet with baby songbirds....
I would love him to gain weight and stop feeling like a furry skeleton but right now all we can do is keep feeding him (food is out 24/7) and monitoring him.
It's difficult isn't it - you can imagine how I feel with I pick Mia up :( - I weighed her yesterday and in 3 weeks she has increased in weight from 3.5kgs to 3.6 - she's tiny. My boy, Morris, has gone from 4.4kgs to 4.6 and the moggy kitten has ballooned from 3.5 to 3.9kgs.
They have access to Purina sensitive biccies all day and night, but I feed them a small can or Applaws wet shredded chicken breast twice a day (between the 3 of them) - any more than that and the MC's are sick; usually followed by bringing up fur balls. When I'm at home, I feed them 4 times a day, little and often seems to work better as the MC's scoff their food too fast and can throw it straight back up while still eating.
It's getting better though, 3 months ago, they'd never eaten any wet food at all. I just want them to be healthy and not boney :(
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