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Thread: Need advice please

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Need advice please

    As per this thread here:

    I've just weighed Morris, he's 1.8kgs, my kitten (socks) is 1.4kgs. Mia is hiding in the drawer under my bed so can't weigh her currently but guess she is roughly the same weight as the kitten.

    How do I get their weight up?

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    I am far from an expert but they are definitely under weight by quite a lot as my 2 4 month old are 3.4 and 3.1kg! I assume you have taken them to the vets to check them out for anything that could be causing this?

    You said that one of them didn't take well to the purena you gave them, have you tried other brands and also stay away from gravy wet food as that is rich. I feed my boys on raw meat which I buy from Natural Instincts and it comes frozen, I Defrost it and it then keeps for 3-4 days and my boys love it. I also use Animonda Carny at lunch as it quicker when I pop back from work, you can get this at Zooplus and it has a high meat content. Then I also have Applaws kitten biscuits down all day and there is no cereal in them which cats can't digest (obviously you would get the adult version!).

    If you want to see if they might like raw food then get some raw mince from the supermarket and try that. Don't just feed them this in the long run though as it doesn't contain everything they need. Others that are far more knowledgeable than me will be along with more advice though. Good luck and I hope they put on weight soon.
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  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Many thanks for the advice; I haven't tried any other brands of dry food yet as I they are so timid, I was focussing on settling them in. Morris hasn't been sick, Mia has only been sick once since I had them (3 weeks) but Mia is really underweight and feels quite boney - I've wormed them both and they are booked in at the vets this week. The previous owner said Mia has always been slight but I can tell that Morris has gained weight since they adopted me.
    My scales are a bit rubbish in all honesty and I'll weight them all once I get them to stand still long enough!

    Thanks again for your advice, I've been on to Lilly's Kitchen today and have some samples coming in the post but will look up the food you suggested.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Lambs mince? The frozen stuff you can buy in supermarkets (free-flow bags) is used by a lot of breeders when they wean kittens. Defrost a small amount and see how they go? p.s. weigh yourself then get on again holding the cat - that will give you a more accurate idea of their weights
    Last edited by Wendy1969; 22nd April 2014 at 08:11 PM. Reason: Additional info
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  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Wendy1969 For This Useful Post:

    Goldie (29th April 2014)

  6. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wendy1969 View Post
    Lambs mince? The frozen stuff you can buy in supermarkets (free-flow bags) is used by a lot of breeders when they wean kittens. Defrost a small amount and see how they go? p.s. weigh yourself then get on again holding the cat - that will give you a more accurate idea of their weights
    Doh! I didn't think of that, and tbh, neither of them like being held so I had to be really quick but I've not got their weights, double checked too. I also put the scales onto KG's instead of trying to convert is (and failing lol)

    Morris: 4.4kgs
    Mia: 3.5kgs
    Socks (the moggy kitten) 3.5kgs

    I'm relieved they aren't so thin as I thought they were going to be but really keen to get them onto wet food asap. Thanks for the tip re lamb mince, I'll give anything a go at the moment.

    Need advice please-2014-04-22-14.41.50.jpgNeed advice please-2014-04-22-14.42.05.jpg
    Last edited by Goldie; 22nd April 2014 at 08:51 PM.
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  7. #6
    Top Cat
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    I have weighed Ginger's carrier and then weigh it with her in it. Of course she is using a small dog carrier as she outgrew her cat one! Silly girls weighs 13# and is very healthy!
    Need advice please-photo-2-.jpg here she is lounging on my laptop or what she thinks is a cat warmer hahahaha
    Last edited by donnad; 23rd April 2014 at 02:23 AM.
    Goldie likes this.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to donnad For This Useful Post:

    Goldie (29th April 2014)




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