Hi, please can someone tell me about this face type (see photo) is this common on the continent? Or development of a new 'type'
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Hi, please can someone tell me about this face type (see photo) is this common on the continent? Or development of a new 'type'
That is more the old fashioned look rather than new & a lot of cats over on the continent still have that super big box muzzle,I think it is stunning.....x
I agree - what an amazing looking animal. Thanks for the info x
Hi Jackie, I never hear the US referred to as "the continent", threw me off. I thought they originally came to the US from Europe and developed into the cats we know today, as the Maine coon. I will have to check out Fortknoxcoon Hollywood's pix! Thanks for clearing that up Jackie :)
yeah he does have an air of FortKnox... Neevie likes him too...
Sorry about that can see where you are coming from,waiting for arrival of first grandchild {now overdue} & USA could have been classed a lot worse,brain completely fogged at the moment,as I said to someone only yesterday "even the poor sat nav man is pulling his hair out",hopefully will get better again once bub is born a bit of the ole brain power might come back....x
Congrats for the grandchild! I am so jealous, maybe one day I be a grandmother too! Best wishes for a healthy baby and a speedy delivery :)