1 Attachment(s)
Are these Maine Coons? Pic attached.
Hello! My name is Joanne and I am new to the forum.
I know it is somewhat impossible to tell by photo's alone, but my husband and I recently adopted two cats from a rescue and a friend of ours ( a Maine Coon owner) is certain they are Maine Coons, so we thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Their names are Jetta and Marshmallow (named by our 4 year old daughter :) ) and they are brother and sister. They are about 10 weeks old. They are the friendliest cats I have ever met and I have owned a few. Super super playful - and stalk and wrestle each other all day. (when they are not climbing on, and licking, us) Their fur is more like hair - very fine and puffy. They have tufts on their paws - but not on the tops of their ears - but they do have longs tufts IN their ears. Their tails seem normal in size and not super big. They do "chirp" rather than meow. I've attached a photo below. Any thoughts? Any other ways to know? These are wonderful cats who are super tolerant of our daughters affection :) so we will love them either way. Just curious.
Thanks! Pic attached.Attachment 7548