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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
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    Are these Maine Coons? Pic attached.

    Hello! My name is Joanne and I am new to the forum.

    I know it is somewhat impossible to tell by photo's alone, but my husband and I recently adopted two cats from a rescue and a friend of ours ( a Maine Coon owner) is certain they are Maine Coons, so we thought it couldn't hurt to ask. Their names are Jetta and Marshmallow (named by our 4 year old daughter ) and they are brother and sister. They are about 10 weeks old. They are the friendliest cats I have ever met and I have owned a few. Super super playful - and stalk and wrestle each other all day. (when they are not climbing on, and licking, us) Their fur is more like hair - very fine and puffy. They have tufts on their paws - but not on the tops of their ears - but they do have longs tufts IN their ears. Their tails seem normal in size and not super big. They do "chirp" rather than meow. I've attached a photo below. Any thoughts? Any other ways to know? These are wonderful cats who are super tolerant of our daughters affection so we will love them either way. Just curious.

    Thanks! Pic attached.Are these Maine Coons? Pic attached.-photo.jpg

  2. #2
    Top Cat
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    Nov 2012
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    first thing I would say is that at that age they grow reaaaally fast - mine grew the size of my previous cat (who admitedly was rather on the small size) within 6 months! and then doubled again...
    also, their tail is very long - may be they're a little bit young for this, but if within a couple of weeks you notice that they have a reeeeallly long tail compared to their body.... then I'd say that's a no brainer...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
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    Hi Joanne welcome to you plus Jetta & Marshmallow,I agree with Alekto the growth rate is the best way of giving you an idea,could be part MC in there not full but even then they tend to grow a lot quicker than a normal little moggy puss but wether they are or not you have two super little bundles there.....x




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