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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
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    My MC cat and German Shepherd pup...

    ...are finally starting to get along with each other, when my pup Rebell was 12 weeks old we brought Emerson home and he though Emerson was a play thing. Well now my pup is a little over 5 months old and over 60 lbs. and Emerson is just about to turn 5 years old and 15 lbs., Emerson after many bouts of hissing and swatting Rebell (claws in) I think Rebell has mutual respect for each other and no more drama. Just figured I'd pass on a dog and cat story, pic.
    Last edited by Emerson; 2nd May 2014 at 10:59 PM.
    The wanderer

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    That is good news! I think it helps when one or both kitty and puppy are young and grow up around each other. My mom has a Shih Tzu and a Doxie and sometimes they come to visit. Maggie (ST) used to be a cat bully until she met our Bengal mix. One claws-out swipe on the nose and now they are friends and even play with each other. My two MC's stay in the room but high up on the cat tree or tables when the dogs are here, especially Mad Max. Bengal and Max get along, she must be some kind of dog whisperer (or else she is too threatening and the dogs won't test her patience lol!) Mandy and Merlin avoid Max, and Sampson sits in a corner wide-eyed and quivering until he leaves. We have considered getting a large breed dog for protection, but for now we rely on the alarm system because I simply cannot be home enough to care for a dog, and I don't think our cats would be happy either. :-/

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
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    Quote Originally Posted by MandyCoonie View Post
    That is good news! I think it helps when one or both kitty and puppy are young and grow up around each other. My mom has a Shih Tzu and a Doxie and sometimes they come to visit. Maggie (ST) used to be a cat bully until she met our Bengal mix. One claws-out swipe on the nose and now they are friends and even play with each other. My two MC's stay in the room but high up on the cat tree or tables when the dogs are here, especially Mad Max. Bengal and Max get along, she must be some kind of dog whisperer (or else she is too threatening and the dogs won't test her patience lol!) Mandy and Merlin avoid Max, and Sampson sits in a corner wide-eyed and quivering until he leaves. We have considered getting a large breed dog for protection, but for now we rely on the alarm system because I simply cannot be home enough to care for a dog, and I don't think our cats would be happy either. :-/
    Rebell is fiercely protective he has the Pedigree, his grandfather was Schutzhund 3 trained (Schutzhund is the German word for protection) and Rebell definitely has the temperament and drive, my last dog Cutter shares the same grandfather as Rebell Cutter was 105 lbs. but loved our 7 lb. Persian. Pics of them all.



    The late Cuter and late Megan.

    Last edited by Emerson; 3rd May 2014 at 06:43 AM.
    The wanderer




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