5 Attachment(s)
My sweet girl Hootie - what a doll!
Hello all,
My first time here!
I rescued a very sickly little Maine Coon kitten in Sept 2012, she was about 8-9 weeks old then. A local non-cat lover had found her in her yard and didn't know what to do with her, didn't want her so being the huge cat lover (I already had 5 other cats at the time lol), I had to get this little one some help. She was thin, dehydrated, eye infection to both eyes, very ratty fur, diarrhea, starving, and had a bad tail injury in which the last half of her tail was missing and the stumpy end was very infected and hard. I got her into my own Vet that day. Even in all of her health issues she was soooooo sweet. I'd planned on getting her health stabilized and then finding a home for her (as I'd always had a strict 5 cat limit lol) but she stole my heart. That first night I had her, I kept her isolated in my bathroom with her own littebox, food and water and cozy cat bed...but I felt so bad for her being alone in the bathroom...so I spread out a big quilt on the top of my bed and she immediately snuggled across my chest and tucked herself under my chin and kneaded until she fell asleep. So sweet.
She ended up having surgery 2 weeks later to be spayed and have half of tail amputated.
She's the sweetest girl ever. She is absolutely TERRIFIED of anyone who comes to my house, she will immediately hide and not come out.....but with me, after all this time, her favorite thing to do is snuggle up on my chest when I'm lying on the sofa, give me head butts and press her cheek against mine and start kneading. She could seriously laying there for 2 hours and sleep with me. She is soooooooooooooooooo affectionate to me, I've never had a cat this cuddly and snuggly and affectionate.
She's a polydactyl, too.......and has huge paws with big tufts of fur underneath.......they are so cute.
Are Maine Coons normally this affectionate? I've had cats all my life and have never ever had one who insists on snuggling up on my chest and sleeping cheek to cheek.
It's unfortunate that none of my family or visitors can see what a sweet girl she is because she always hides when they come over. I've never seen a cat to skittish of others. ?
My other cats love her, too....even when she sprawls out on top of them (she clearly has no understanding of personal space LOL). Here are 2 pics of her (on the green blanket) when I first found her...so tiny.....now she's huge!.....at nearly 14 lbs (though not fat, just a large cat..and you can see her huge paws LOL). In the last picture, that's her in her favorite spot....snuggled up on my shoulder, with her cheek next to mine...it's like she can't get close enough.
Are your Maine Coon kitties this affectionate..........while the same time so afraid of other people?
Here are some pics :)Attachment 7562Attachment 7564Attachment 7563Attachment 7565Attachment 7566