2 Attachment(s)
Best insurance policies - UK based
Hi all
Our wonderful MC, Neo, is now nearly 7 months old and is HUGE :wub:
Attachment 7574 This is him at about 8 weeks
Attachment 7575 This is him at about 6 months - look how big!
Anyway, he's now been neutered and chipped, so I'm looking for some insurance for him (it just seemed easier to wait til he was 'done' and chipped, as all the quotes I got made a specific point of asking about both).
I've tried a couple of insurance comparison websites and I've also contacted a couple of insurers direct, but there are just so many types of insurance and so many levels of cover that it all seems a bit of a minefield and I'm a bit scared about plumping for a policy!
I definitely want a "lifetime" or "maximum benefit" policy, and not a time limited policy. I also think I'd like to go for somewhere around the £7k/£10k annual limit.
So far, all the quotes I've had have been very expensive!
I've done some googling, and found a couple of review sites, and it seems that John Lewis is one of the best for customer services.....but, of course, they're one of the most expensive.
So, I thought I'd ask you clever people which insurers you recommend!
Of course, we'll pay out whatever we need to get the best and most reliable cover for our special boy, but I want to make sure it's not money down the drain (as I know some policies aren't really worth the paper they're written on!)
Many thanks in advance