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Thread: Messy eater!

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    Messy eater!

    Hello, wondered if anyone could help. 2 questions!

    1. We have a maine coon who is approximately 1.5 years old. We are aware that Maine Coons are the messy eater breed, but has anyone found a dish that helps to minimise the mess? (i.e. is there a special shaped bowl that would help? I have read that a very deep bowl may help?). Our cat has a habit of knocking a large percentage of his food out of his bowl and onto the tray below. He then refuses to voluntarily eat the food he knocks out of the bowl, instead he waits for his bowl to be re-filled. Is this normal? I often put the food back in the bowl if not dry, but wondered if other people have this issue too? It causes such a mess!! (My sisters cats wouldn't dream of not eating all the food in their bowls, and would eat anything knocked over the edge, but then her cats are not maine coons.

    2. Our cat has been treated with frontline in the last two months, but he has brought fleas back into the house. Has anyone tried the 6 month lasting jab? I'm particularly prone to being bitten and so is my newborn baby (yet strangely my husband and son are not) so any tips would be very welcome. We have sprayed the house again with Indorex Spray, but just want the fleas to go!!! HELP!!!

    Thanks in advance.





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