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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Merlin is afraid of storms!

    We've been having the typical summer storms here, and a particularly bad one struck last night around 3am. I may have slept through it if Merlin didnt start howling and crying out as loudly as he could. We always leave our bedroom door open and Merlin will sit at the bottom of the stairs and cry, as if he doesn't know he can come up with us. More storms are predicted tonight so I think I will just bring little baby Merlin to bed just in case..*yawn*

  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Jun 2014
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    Ours is the same! I put it down to the first night she spent in the house, there was a huge storm, thunder, lightning, everything and she raced up and down the stairs for half an hour and thn quivered on my lap and slept on me all night. The only time she will ever come near me is when there's a storm, the rest of the time she sits on my husbands lap, even though I'm the one who feeds her ;)

  3. #3
    Elite Cat
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    May 2012
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    Our tabby male Sampson is also terrified of storms, but he has taken to hiding out under my daughter's bed when they come. He used to cry out and even growl when he heard thunder! Merlin is hard of hearing and the lightning flashes and thunder rattling the house must have scared him. He kept looking nervously at the windows when the lightning would flash. The girls don't seem to notice or mind the noise, weirdly enough!




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