Everyone - Meet Finn!
Hi all, some of you guys might remember me from posting pictures of Sampson (my maine coon mix) after many months of waiting, we have finally got a full pedigree Maine coon kitten called Finn!
We got him from Majesticoon who I would rate so extremely high. They are so welcoming and soon as you walk in, you can see a few of the cats running around and they look absolutely stunning.
Finn and Sampson has officially met this morning, Sampson was hissy and growling but very curious and didn't even attempt to swipe or slap Finn at all. After 3 hours, I caught Sampson giving a slow blink to Finn. Finn's paws are almost, if not the same size as Sampsons (who is just over 2 years old now) and was told Finn will be a big boy. He ate half of Sampson's lunch (suprised Sam let him!) THEN had some kitten biscuits then about 15mins later, had almost a whole sachet of food! Have put Finn back in my room and closed the door so both cats can rest.
What is quite funny is... both cats have a spot of their primary color under their foot, almost exact same location.
Oh...my....god.....he is absolutely adorable! What a gorgeous colour too! x
Finn you are so handsome,makes me go broody again seeing these lovable babes....x
Thanks for the comments!
Had a bit of a scare earlier in the week when they started to play fight, Sampson would roll on top of Finn and Finn would act like he is being murdered! But all is fine, it's just Sampson's weight and size haha.
He is on 2-3 packets of hilife kitten pate AND a ton of Royal Canin kitten kibble a day (though Sampson is always trying to eat the kibble)
We even bought two more cat trees so they are spoilt. Just need to wait for Finn to grow a bit so he doesn't get squashed by Sampson so much :P
Congratulations Sbreame! sooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
(I want ooooooone!)
Hi all!
An update!
Finn is just over 30 inches long (nose to tip of tail) and he is -only- 4 months old. He is starting to be more confident in playfighting and Sampson and Finn are just simply inseparable.
One of his half-brothers (Same father, different litter) was 40 inches at 6 months, wonder if Finn will reach 40 inches before then? Will update :)
Finn is quite the handsome boy! Good job, Mama! My Merlin is the same tabby and white pattern, love those "raccoon rings" on that endless tail! I also have a Sampson, although he's just a regular all-orange tabby. Is yours named after the infamous cat of the Church Mice books? (Ours is LOL and has the temperament to match!)
They are both gorgeous, glad they are getting on ;)
We named Sampson as it's a strong name (Added the P so it wouldn't be the mythology "Samson") He is a -very- strong boy so it fits him.
Finn still tries to be "Jack the lad" which just makes Sampson bite the back of Finn's neck just to put him in place.
If Finn is eating some biscuits, Sam would reach in with a paw and cup some (so he doesn't have to bump Finn out the way) They are not and probably will never be "lets snuggle together" cats, but they can't be without each other.
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