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Thread: How are you coping at the moment with shedding?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    How are you coping at the moment with shedding?

    Well Rosso is shedding like crazy at the moment and it feels like I am on a treadmill just trying to keep on top of matting, Yesterday I managed to get his coat clear of knots and this morning have woken up to 3 huge matts on his side (where he has obviously been sleeping) It's just an endless struggle at present!!

    I seem to remember it lasted about a month last year and he absolutely hates me and runs the minute he sees me approaching with a brush, I know there is no magic solution but how are you all coping at the moment?

    Here is my little scruff bag having just woken up

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    My Merlin also despises the brush, but there are ways to improve the experience for them. I give everyone a treat before and after grooming, and this tactic really helps with some cats. My ginger tabby used to be terrified of the brush, but I was simply persistent with him and eventually he realized he got yummy things every time and he also felt better.
    Merlin gets terrible matting on his ruff and his tummy, and I have to use a wide-tooth metal comb to sort out the mess--not fun!!

  3. #3
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    every time I find a mat, I take out the scisors, and I just hack away. My Fluffy now is more Patchy.... but at least it doesn't hurt so it's ok...
    it's mostly on the sides, and the lower back, not really the tummy - sometimes the "knickers"....
    she cannot bear the brush in those areas either. Hence, scisors.
    She isn't shedding too much yet though. We're in the north of UK so the differences in temperature are not huge.

  4. #4
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alekto View Post
    every time I find a mat, I take out the scisors, and I just hack away. My Fluffy now is more Patchy.... but at least it doesn't hurt so it's ok...
    it's mostly on the sides, and the lower back, not really the tummy - sometimes the "knickers"....
    she cannot bear the brush in those areas either. Hence, scisors.
    She isn't shedding too much yet though. We're in the north of UK so the differences in temperature are not huge.
    Have you tried a stitch unpicker? I find it easier than scissors, definitely the best £1 I've ever spent as it cuts through knots like butter!
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  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by oliviarussian View Post
    Have you tried a stitch unpicker? I find it easier than scissors, definitely the best £1 I've ever spent as it cuts through knots like butter!
    super idea! thanks will try!

  7. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    My two aren't shedding too bad, but I'm in the UK. It's been relatively hot here but I'm counting my blessings the MC's don't seem to be affected too much. They are losing fur a little more than usual and are sicking up fur balls, thats the only downside; they've always done this but it is more increased lately. :(

  8. #7
    Elite Cat
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    Temps here in the northeastern US are upper 80s this week, it's been quite warm. I'm still vacuuming up globs of fur, and I'm not sure why Mandy is still shedding so much. She started in April and its still coming out everywhere! She loves being brushed thankfully. I have a shedding blade, which is a metal loop with teeth. It works well for her and for my shorthairs but not for Merlin. Mandy's fur is a mix of silky guard hairs and very downy fluff underneath. Merlin's guard hairs are coarse and his undercoat is very long and feathery, with downy fluff only on the underside of his tail. I will have to resort to the scissors if I can't get his crazy fur under control!

    My mom's old Coon Tucker also used to get mats on his rear end, and he would get poo all over himself. She took him to a professional groomer who gave him the "butt cut", just a light shave on the britches to eliminate the mess. You might consider this if your cats won't allow you to brush out the knots!
    Last edited by MandyCoonie; 30th June 2014 at 07:19 PM.
    Alekto likes this.




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