Looking for Pedigree Maine Coon Kitten
I'm new to the forum I have been looking for a Maine Coon Kitten for a few months now and I'm finding an array of prices! Some double to others, I am looking for Pedigree and notice there are different types like GCCF, Fife, Tica its all very bamboozling.......!! I have had domestic cats for a number
of years and worked in a Boarding Cattery for 8yrs where we had a few Maine Coons visiting :) and I love them.
I feel the time is now right to get my own initially as a pet but with the option to Show maybe and possibly breed a litter in the future for myself but making sure I had potential homes for the rest of the litter first.
Does anyone have an average price roughly on what it would cost for a Pedigree Kitten on an Active Register, and also which kind of Register would be
best for what I am looking for?? Are there any cattery names that are more famous?? I'm after a big cat with the lovely ear tufts.
Thanks in advance any advice welcome...