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8th August 2014, 06:31 PM #1
My new Maine Coon kitten - Lily
Here is my little cutie! Meet Lily Valdis of Zurina! I just call her Lily for short (or beastie when shes being naughty)
She is currently 15 weeks old, pedigree black smoke and white Coon. Her Grandparents are Grand Champions, which has never appealed to me before but it is nice to know that she has showing potential. I have always wanted a cat and couldn't decide between getting a Maine Coon or a Burmese... I made the right decision!
I have currently entered her into the 'Cutest Pet' competition (Link here if you want to vote for her --> Lily Valdis Of Zurina - Cutest Pet August 2014 - PetVote )