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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK
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    So I narrowed my breeder choice down... To 17!!

    It really is a minefield trying to narrow down choices of breeders, there are so many to choose from. I have found details for, and have contacted 17 breeders (there's nothing wrong with that is there) - we are looking to bring a kitten home who is going to spend many years with us so I want to ensure we get the best from the best.

    The breeder prefix are as follows:

    White Fox

    ... Are there any of these who are breed for money breeders? Are there any you wouldn't touch with a bargepole or are there any of these who are really amazing and I know I'll get an amazing cat if I go through them . I really need to shorten my list otherwise I'll end up doing my own head in. I've even compiled a spreadsheet of whether the kittens are neutered before homing, whether they are given the Leukaemia jab, if they're microchipped and which area they are in, just to see if there's anything that tips one breeder or another. My head is battered , so is my poor hubby's as it's the only thing I'm going on about at the mo haha. X

    I'd like to add that I have just went through all 70-odd pages of this forum thread to heed any previous warnings of unscrupulous breeders but I've seen no mention of the ones I have listed so that's why they're still on my list. X
    Last edited by DonnaMD; 11th August 2014 at 06:09 PM.

  2. #2
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Aug 2014
    Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK
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    Ah well, I can take one off my list. I had a reply from one breeder who simply said they wouldn't be happy to home a kitten to a house with border terriers??? The fact that my dogs have NEVER had a problem with any kittens who have entered my home is irrelevant. Oh well :/

  3. #3
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Dec 2013
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    lol - we trawled through loads too!. In the end from our "chosen few breeders" we narrowed it down to what sex of kitten and what colour we were looking for and how far would we have to travel as in the end the kitten is going to have to travel home with you so there was the travel stress factor involved. Also some breeders have a waiting list of people who have specified that they want particular kittens from certain cat couplings etc., so you could be in for a wait, but its worth it for the right one. It might be worth just making an appointment to see a few and get a feel for the breeders and their cats, some breeders won't allow you to see the cats if you've already been to another cattery on the same day though.

  4. #4
    Happy Kitten
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    Hi DonnaMD - it's not on your list, but I was really impressed with Moonencia breeders (in Barnsley - same place as Elmcoon). We met both parents, and the kittens are raised in a multi-cat house and are very well socialised. They grow up in the family home and roam around downstairs, generally getting under Lisa's feet and causing trouble! She has a cattery in her garden where some of the cats sleep and we met all them too - they all spend time in the house on a rotation basis. I really liked her relaxed attitude - she really cares about the cats and their welfare, she obviously knows what she's doing, but she's not neurotic. She wouldn't refuse to let you home a kitten because you had dogs, nor does she mind if you want to keep them as outdoor cats (although I don't). Weasel on this forum also recommended Elmcoon and my two have grandparents that are Elmcoons - would imagine they know each other as they're both in same area. Have a look at the forum post under Q&A called 'getting a Maine Coon as a second cat' or something similar - Weasel talks about the experience with the breeder.

  5. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Washington, Tyne and Wear, UK
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    Thanks so much

    I'm happy to look at other breeders, it's just so many that it's a bit baffling lol. I just so happened to email Moonencia before though

  6. #6
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
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    To save you hunting, here are my thoughts on Elmcoon:

    Initially, I rang them for advice about if we should get a companion for Sidney. They were really helpful and clearly know a great deal about cats in general and MCs in particular.
    I was invited to pop over to meet the cats/kittens. Their house is simply cat heaven, with cats all just getting on with each other and sleeping and eating and playing as a proper community. They have a kitten room for the tinies, an outdoor run and a separate set of accommodation for the stud boys. We met both of Ava's parents, both pretty chilled out cats, along with aunts, grannies etc. One of the queens was retired from breeding after her first litter due to having a tricky time, on the vets advice she was spayed and is now an Aunty to the kittens. No suggestion of getting rid of her, despite her not being able to produce any more babies. They are certainly not in it for the money! We had to sign an agreement to have Ava spayed at 6-7 months and to let them know first before we let her go to anyone else to live.

    Ava is fab. We collected her at 14 weeks old, vet-checked and fully vaccinated, wormed and flea-treated. She came with 4weeks Petplan insurance, a bag of toys, a mum-scented blanket, enough food for a couple of weeks, vouchers for another fortnights free food and her pedigree and GCCF registration. She was fine in the car, very chilled, was eating and littering normally the next day and is gaining 20g per day. She has been taught not to use teeth/claws when she plays, she is very easy to examine by the vet and she hasn't damaged anything in the house (yet!).

    the breeders are really nice people and I would have no hesitation in contacting them for advice about any aspect of MC ownership.




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