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Thread: Re My kittens

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Re My kittens

    Sadly it has been posted off this forum, once again about me.

    I joined this forum as a member over 4 years ago... I was not thrown off, I was however suspended for 2 weeks after I posted something I should not have reacted too.

    I did rejoin as I used to like this forum, HOWEVER after my last bad experience on here, I am NOT interested in selling my kittens from this forum.

    I have NO intentions of allowing anyone on this forum to buy my kittens.. with a posting from here..

    ALL my homes are fully vetted, I might ask questions if someone did message me from here, but believe me after my last experience, I make sure now I know EVERYTHING there is to know about the person who is enquiring after my kittens.

    It is a real shame, that the person who from this forum who is passing on the information to be used on a vile anonymous blog on the internet, can not stand by their convictions and post their 'supposed truthful comments;' under a real name instead of a pseudonym.

    I will not add any more photos of my cats on this forum.. as I am not as they claim ashamed of my babies..

    I can NOT HELP... PETS4HOMES listing my address from my post code as SKIPTON.




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