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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
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    Breed identification help - Maine Coon?

    Hi fellow Maine Coon forum members!

    My name is Jonas. I hope this particular request is apropos with general forum guidelines. At any rate, here it goes ...

    I'm contemplating getting a Maine Coon kitten to raise on my own, however I need someone's advice who is well-versed in the breed. I found this particular kitten for-sale from a breeder for the price of $650 (I shall withhold the name of said breeder). I am concerned, however, with his appearance. While I'm sure he is a lovely cat and would make a wonderful companion pet, I want to be certain that the cat I pay for adheres as close as possible to the "traditional" Maine Coon phenotype. I'm attaching the pictures that were sent to me by this breeder. I would be most appreciative if someone with experience with the breed could lend me their input as to if this appears to be a "genuine" Maine Coon kitten. It is difficult for me to pass judgment on this issue as I feel I don't know enough about the breed to do so.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Breed identification help - Maine Coon?-10417816_10203451014650831_5423492367546656836_n.jpg   Breed identification help - Maine Coon?-unnamed-1.jpg   Breed identification help - Maine Coon?-unnamed-2.jpg   Breed identification help - Maine Coon?-unnamed.jpg  




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