Reading the thread on MC and water, I thought I would ask what are the quirks of your maine coon????
Gryfn likes to be with me, but not on top of me. He actually asks for me to pick him up, but he won't just jump in my lap, and he'd rather curl up on the floor at my feet rather than my lap. He does come up to me for a kiss and smooch but then he'll curl up on my desk next to me rather than on my lap.
I actually like that as I'm usually doing things...
so what does your Coonie do????
Merlin loves to 'talk' all the time whenever he is not napping. He needs to know I am nearby or he will keep 'talking'. He does not like to be cuddled or have his fur brushed but is always nearby several feet away.
Merlin lovessssss his water to be fed to him via a plastic disposable syringe! He gets very exciting whenever he sees me holding the water filled syringe.
Rocco is extremely quiet and independent. He would endure kisses and cuddles. He will tolerate having his fur brushed until he's had enough, he'd get up and walk away. He will only show affection especially after his afternoon nap when he becomes extremely affectionate and asks for attention lying beside me on the sofa. He is not clingy like Merlin.
MJ is a lot like your MC's. The only time she will hop in lap is if she is extremely desperate for attention of if she can see out a window from your lap. She is always around me though. She's also extremely talkative and I may be crazy but I feel like I can definitely tell what she is trying to say. Her other major quirks are she loves sitting in the window and she loves bags. Bags of every type, plastic, paper, cloth, you name it. Another interesting one is my MC is fully clawed (I don't believe in declawing) and I've trained her to only use a table I have that is made of steel beer cans for sharpening. I have a perfectly good scratcher, but she insists on using the beer can table. Absolutely no damage done to the cans as they are ancient and solid, but she gets some pretty sharp claws. :koolkat:
My cats all seems to love sitting on my lap.
Timmy ( domestic) will come up and procrastinate and Sarah sees him and RUNS from wherever she is and jumps over the top of him and onto my lap.
Zack jumps up and lies on my legs as I have a recliner and my legs are horizontal. Timmy then ends up on the side of me.
The other night Timmy ( he was too quick) and Zack were on my lap and Sarah tried for a stack of 3. This did not work and after attempting to sit under my chin had to concede defeat and lie on the couch!!!!!
Louie loves a cuddle anytime as long as its not interfering with something realy important that he is up to :LOL:
Harry also loves a cuddle anytime, as for sitting on my lap he would rather climb up my arm and rest his face on mine, lovely but annoying when your trying to watch t.v. !
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