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Thread: hey guysssssss
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17th April 2010, 07:58 PM #1
hey guysssssss
sorry not been on in a while kids off for easter, net broke down been hectic but now the storm has calmed i thought i would update, kia and fonzie are doing great as is meeka and the rest of us!! how have you all been did yous enjoy easter and this lovely weather in the uk at the mo...really feeling quite sorry for my kittys as its so nice keeping them in and they dont like the harness and leads lol..
any how ive also got a new camera (more pics of the cats than kids) maybe i shouldn admit that lol...but here they are (in my gallery) and getting bigger by the day xery)
ok maybe not...the images are too big in size i think so unless someone can help me resize themi cant upload cant win can i lol x