hey guysssssss
sorry not been on in a while kids off for easter, net broke down been hectic but now the storm has calmed i thought i would update, kia and fonzie are doing great as is meeka and the rest of us!! how have you all been did yous enjoy easter and this lovely weather in the uk at the mo...really feeling quite sorry for my kittys as its so nice keeping them in and they dont like the harness and leads lol..
any how ive also got a new camera (more pics of the cats than kids) maybe i shouldn admit that lol...but here they are (in my gallery) and getting bigger by the day xery)
ok maybe not...the images are too big in size i think so unless someone can help me resize them :) i cant upload cant win can i lol x
Hi Dee, nice to have you back. Glad you and the "kids" are all well. Harry is now great with a harness and lead, but it did take a bit of work ha ha ! if you get time you should persevere with it, Harry absolutely loves it in the garden, although we got to keep him away from the pond, he's almost been in a few times !
Hope you get the computer sorted out, looking forward to seeing some new pics. Take care. Ali & Harry x
Hi Dee, nice to have you back - sounds like you had a hectic Easter - I'm looking forward to next week when kids go back to school/college! I'd persevere with the harness -I'm sure it takes some longer than others to get used to though.
Heh! Good to see you back. Pretty good weather down South too and I'm making the most of it. visited Trim castle today in County Meath and had a nice walk along the River Boyne :smile:
Hi and welome back.
In regards to the photos - I open the photos with microsoft office picture manager and then click the edit photo button. You can then resize the photo down to below 600 to be able to post. I resize any photos that I am going to send on email as well as these days the photo sizes are getting bigger and bigger
Good to see you. Soounds like you've been busy.
I open my photos in photoshop and save them for web an reduce the size.
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