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  1. #1
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    Determined kitty gives me heart attack!

    I have just had the fright of my life. I'm working at home today indoors so much to Simba's disapproval I shut him indoors with me. He went upstairs in a huff and I went to the office to work. Unbenown to me he had gone up to my son's bedroom which is a converted attic room on third floor. My son's bedroom window was closed as his bed is next to window and we didn't want to risk Simba climbing out but he had opened the window on the landing next to his bedroom as it is quite a high jump up there and thought that would be OK. NOT! Simba apparently decided to jump up to this window which leads down on to a small slanted roof - he had then walked along this and down onto a lower roof of the extension that comes out from the kitchen and then from there onto a pergola which is outside my other son's bedroom. My eldest son happened to be walking past this room and saw Simba outside on the pergola and set off the panic. First son shouts to second son - GET OUTSIDE - SIMBA IS STUCK - at this point I hear what is going on and come out of the office to see second son literally flying down the stairs and outside. Thankfully he was able to get a chair and reach up to grab Simba who I think was a little relieved to be saved as I think he was stuck as to where to go next! Little devil is now fast asleep next to me exhausted from his adventure. It seems he is quite determined to get out side when I've told him he cant My poor sons are also very relived to have their kitty safe and sound!

  2. #2
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    Kitty giving you a heart attack

    Got that tshirt,doesn't it make you feel sick & fear the worse,even a strong cup of tea doesn't stop the palpataions.....
    So pleased that Simba was rescued with no problems & no doubt that window will not be opened again for a little while !
    We had some screens made up that we could put over or take off the windows as & how we wanted & they worked very well,now they have the run of the back garden when we are here it means the patio doors are open for the fresh air so don't hook them on quite so much but still handy to have.

  3. #3
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    Under a heap of fur
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    YIKES!!! what are they like, glad he's ok There is nothing worse than a sulking MC they get up to alsorts of mischeif
    Nicki &

  4. #4
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    Thanked 63 Times in 59 Posts
    how scary for you... makes me glad that we have flywires on all the windows!

  5. #5
    Über Cat
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    Flywires? Love it. Gives me visions of some sort of high voltage bug zapping wires across windows. Probably just what we call "screens" though (much less exciting).

    Know the fear thing all too well...
    Our cats all like to go out in the garage and prowl around for crickets and such, and a few weeks ago I let the three big ones out there one last time before bed, around 11pm. About 15mins later I took the kitten out to see them of the garage doors was wide open! I panicked, threw the kitten back in the house, yelled for my wife, and quickly searched the garage, but did not see any of the three! By then wife had arrived on scene and I went outside to make certain nobody slipped out while she searched the garage more thoroughly. Amazingly, the two that do not go outside were both still in the garage--just a bit spooked due to my panic. Got them in, so that just left Bella outside someplace, but at least she goes out with me nearly every day, so she knows her way around--and likewise I know where she likes to go. One good thing about looking for a cat at night is you can see them from quite a distance with a good flashlight, so I started sweeping the places in the yard (and just beyond) where she likes to head. Sure enough, the third place I looked she was just sitting, wondering why dad was so frantic. So all ended well, but it took me about an hour to calm down. Could have been a disaster, as I am not certain what the two that don't know the outside would have done if they had gotten out (I cannot believe neither one ventured out of the open garage). Anyway, you can bet I will be much more vigilant about checking the door status from now on!

  6. #6
    Top Cat
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    Western Australia
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    Yes we call them flywires, but also flyscreens... They're on all the windows to keep the flies out and let the breeze in!

    We had a panic attack on Saturday (well dh did not me!) thinking one of the kids had let out Gryfn, but no, he was hidden under ds2's bed along with all the junk!




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