How do you mean part?
Louie has'nt had the Leukemia jab as he is a house cat to & Im still on the fence about that one.
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How do you mean part?
Louie has'nt had the Leukemia jab as he is a house cat to & Im still on the fence about that one.
I have been advised that as they are house cats and will not come into contact with any outdoor cats they only need the FE part of the FELV vaccine as we can bring both flu and enteritis in on shoes and clothes ect.
I work for in the animal health industry and have quizzed a few vets and nurses as to what they need to be jabbed for. Jon also advised me to get them chipped whilst they were under being done as this can be traumatic and painful for them.
I do have a question, When does a male maine coon stop growing? plus what is a decent weight for him?. I'm going tomorrow to the vet/groomers to find out and just curious?
I think about 3 yr old & up to 11kg :suprised: but not sure on that. Our old MC was about 7kg & that was heavey enough :LOL:
Yeah, I read it was 4- 5 years until full maturity and anything between 13 - 20 lbs for male cats but could easily be more, and smaller for female cats. Whoa ...