Does your coonie hide things?
Last Tuesday I left my engagement and wedding ring on the kitchen table, as I was doing some washing up.
Before I left for work that evening, I went to put on my rings, and discovered the wedding ring had gone :what?:
I knew who the culprit was, as he likes to jump up on the table and sit for a while, so I wasn't unduly worried. Thought it will turn up when I get home from work!
I had been looking under every piece of furniture since Tuesday,with no sign of it!
This morning my husband spotted Winston with his paw under the rug. When he lifted up the rug there was the little piece of treasure squirreled away. As my hubby produced the treasure from under the rug, Winston gave him such a look of disgust, it could have launched a 1000 ships. Better save the ring from the barn braic for him next October. :LOL:
So does your coonie hide things?
Does your coonie hide things
We have one coonie who hides his favourite mouse,it is a nearly nightly ritual for you to find it.As soon as you say I wonder if Merl has hidden something he runs up to you & starts purring & gets all excited ,normally it is in our bedroom so I head in that direction & he starts purring louder once in there you know if you are getting closer to it because the purrs become louder & he paddles the floor but then if you go in another direction he just sits & stares & looks as much as to say you are stupid you were getting close,then as soon as you head closer again purrs & paddles that get more & more rapid as you get nearer,then surprise surprise aren't I clever hiding it there,under pillow,under duvet,always neatly in the middle about half way down or in a shoe,when found he gets mouse play,lucky boy.We took him to stay at my brothers once & he done the same thing but the last night we just could not find mouse,we were all told that we were thick so had to find another game to take his mind off of it,three nights later brother phoned to say he had been to the gym that evening & when he started taking his things out of the bag,yep,a little grey mouse appeared,caused a bit of hilarity in the changing room...
Does your coonie hide things
Yes I would believe it & it never ceases to amaze me how months down the line having hunted everywhere,been under every bit of furniture possible suddenly one of them will appear with that elusive one !
Where was it....?
Hopefully you will soon recover a few of them.