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  1. #1
    Top Cat
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    Red face Does your coonie hide things?

    Last Tuesday I left my engagement and wedding ring on the kitchen table, as I was doing some washing up.
    Before I left for work that evening, I went to put on my rings, and discovered the wedding ring had gone
    I knew who the culprit was, as he likes to jump up on the table and sit for a while, so I wasn't unduly worried. Thought it will turn up when I get home from work!
    I had been looking under every piece of furniture since Tuesday,with no sign of it!

    This morning my husband spotted Winston with his paw under the rug. When he lifted up the rug there was the little piece of treasure squirreled away. As my hubby produced the treasure from under the rug, Winston gave him such a look of disgust, it could have launched a 1000 ships. Better save the ring from the barn braic for him next October.

    So does your coonie hide things?




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