The girls are here!
Hi all, sorry for not posting for a while but I have been stuck in Bulgaria due to the flight problems! The worst thing was that I had to wait an extra week for Brisca and Purrdie! However, they are here now and have been here for about an hour and already Purrdie is making herself at home. she will not leave me alone,is playing with anything she can get her paws on and is tucking into supper as we speak! Brisca isn't quite so brave. she is currently hiding behind the chair but has been out for loves a couple of times. They are beautiful girls and I feel very lucky to have them with us at last!! :rofl:
Thats wonderful news that they have arrived. It's an exciting day in your house :)
The girls are here.
Lucky you,will look forward to seeing some pictures of the two of them.
It aleady seems as if you are going to have lots of fun.
:whoohoo: cant wait for pics :rofl:
That's wonderful claire... can't wait to see some pics!
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