It's happened, like all children they have discovered TV!! We have noticed a difference in the viewing habbits, Roxy enjoys Nigel Slaters cookery and Hector being a boy has discovered a passion for snooker:rofl:
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It's happened, like all children they have discovered TV!! We have noticed a difference in the viewing habbits, Roxy enjoys Nigel Slaters cookery and Hector being a boy has discovered a passion for snooker:rofl:
Great pics :LOL: our old MC used to like lounging on top of the tv batting the F1 cars as they went round :rofl: Hope Louie dose'nt its a skinney set now :hmm:
no, gryfn personally prefers nature documentaries... especially those on snow leopards... :rofl:
Wonderful pictures, soon we will see headlines.. "healthissue, cats watching to much tv!" *hi,hi,hi*
Hector waits for us to put the pouffe in front of the tv for him now!! He stands at full stretch with his front paws on the tv stand waiting bless him!!
Harry's favourite is the football, so he'll be a couch potatoe this summer with the world cup !