Poor old Hank
Took Hank to the vets this morn @ 8.30 and handed him over for his neutering operation. Poor thing was scared in his basket and was shaking. Although he's been swearing at us all morning for not giving him breakfast and the clumsy loof somehow smashed a massive vase, the house just isn't the same without him now and we can't help but wonder if he's okay.
Should be picking him up again around 4pm so he'll have lots of treats and cuddles tonight when he gets back and comes around.
Poor Hank, I'm sure he will be fine - it his horrible leaving them at the vets though - I'm sure you will be pacing around all day waiting to pick him up. Hope he recovers quickly.
Thanks, I suspect he'll be ok, he seems pretty resilient.
Actually just curious, do people tend to notice any immediate change in their behavior after neutering?
Can't answer that one as Simba was neutered at 12 weeks before we got him. His breeder did tell me though that he bounced back incredibly quickly and was running around within an hour of coming home. Not sure what benefits there are to getting it done early - I didn't have a say in the matter - one thing though is that Simba has a hernia and if he wasn't neutered my vet, who picked this up, could have sorted that at the same time as neutering him. Now though I don't really want to put him through a general just to have that done as at the moment it hasn't got any bigger. I do have to keep an eye on it though.
Poor old Hank
Hank will come home wondering why the heck he had to be away from you for the day,boys just don't seem to bother at all,not like the girls who have a hole in the side to recover from,even my boys who were done at an older age bounced straight back,no you don't see any difference in them straight away,some no difference at all & some if done when they started spraying or smelling the same,no immediate difference but the biggest percentage improve over time.
Don't worry though if Hank seems bright & breezy when you collect him & then goes very dopey when he gets home,safety of being back in their surroundings very often make them want to finish sleeping off the days activity....
Will watch for post to say he is home & well.
Awww poor Hank he'l be fine & geting spoilt rotten at the vets if they are anything like ours very hard to get a cat or dog back off them :winkwink:
Louie will be going soon I think our vet said after 9 months & we were going to leave it as long as pos but he is starting to get a bit above his station with Casper, our hates all humans cat, not sure if they are just playing or not I know for a fact Casper can stick up for himself so hopefully just playing :smile:
I'm sure Hank will be ok....
Charlie Brown was snipped and chipped on Tuesday and he's been good, but tonight he tried an escape attack and went up the wire of the cat run to the roof of the house (dh hasn't finished roofing the cat run) before I could get him. Unfortunately I was the one that had to climb onto the roof to get him down as dh is away! so tonight he's a bit sore and sorry for himself.... hasn't even eaten his dinner which he wolfs down, so I'm keeping an eye on him!
Well he's back home now, all's good it seems.
When we got back we immediately took him upstairs into our bedroom thinking he'd be wanting some quiet alone time but instead went straight downstairs, had a drink, some fish, had a pee (on the toilet), another drink and another bite of fish then followed me back upstairs to me office where he's now nodding off on my desk !!! :-)
So i'll try and let him have undisturbed peace and quiet for at least a few hours but he's in much better condition than I expected... I was expected a very drousy cat.
You can see he's been crying though today, bless
For Hank :winkwink: :AddEmoticons0094:
Glad to hear all is well.
Storvenn (m) and Loki (f) were done not so long ago. Storvenn didnt show any change at all when we picked him up. Loki took about 3 - 4 days to get back to normal as she was a bit weak and wobbley.
In terms of character.. nope I honestly cant say that Ive noticed any difference in their attitudes. I still get woken up, jumped on, meowed / chirped at and the stairs are taking an absolute hammering as Storvenn is getting a LOT bigger :D
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