What's best one or two ?
Ok guys I need your help here. All this talk of kittens is making me broody but more than that I think Harry would love a brother to play with. Poppy our moggie isn't a playful cat infact she hisses at him anytime he comes within 10 yards of her and all Harry wants to do is play. Hubby on the other hand thinks he would be better on his own, so I'd love to hear your views on this ?:nod:
We went for two from the same litter. One male (Storvenn) and one female (Loki)
Havent regretted it one bit. They do play with each other and frequently groom each other too.
Plenty of times its 'early o'clock' and we have the THUM! THUM! THUM! THUM! THUM! of paws going up / down the stairs as they chase each other about. There are times when Storvenn will want to play and Loki wont, during those times it normally ends in a HISS!!! and a 'claws in' paw punch. If it gets a little out of control then a plant sprayer is used to calm Storvenn down (I make sure he doesnt see me spray him).
For us, we could afford two at the time we were looking for kittens so we went with two then they have a play buddy whilst we're at work. Of course, this now means we have 2x the food, vets and general pet care bills but I wouldnt be without either of them now. If anything, we will probably add one or two more in time.
We had two from the same litter, okay so we thought we had brothers! (still no reply from the breeder!) I'm very soft and hated the thought that we were taking a kitten away from mum and siblings to be alone for most of the day while we were at work so we had two little bundles of fun.
I have to say they play well together and amuse us soooo much! However I have read on the forum that Hector will eventually get too rough for daddys little princess and she will not play with him, so daddy is now thinking we will need another boy kitten for Hector to play with!!
Can you post a MC from Sweden I wonder I have fallen for Dagdrivarn's little ones!:drool1:
Whats best one or two
We started with one adult maine coon but wasn't long before I became broody for a kitten,that came along two years later & was soon mothered by the older one,a year later the breeder who we had kitten from had a flat chested baby from same mating & asked if we would have her although as she was quite bad may not live too long,I said no,hubby said yes ,so arrival no. three {she is still with us} her elder sibling took her under his paw & the older girl mothered her but neither of them would join her in play,two years before next baby joined the gang,brother & sister were a bit aloof but older girl went into mother mode again but before long newest arrival & flat chested girl paired off for fun & games,this time we went for one baby but came away with two by default & they have been great fun,I now wish that we had a pair before,they have provided us with hours of entertainment & what one doesn't get up too the other one will but they respect the older girl,she is thirteen & arthritic,they fly around but if she is about they stop & walk gently past before winding up again,if she decides she wants a bit of a play the babe which will play fetch goes after the mouse & takes it back for her to have another go with,only travels a couple of feet at a time but she seems to think it is great fun.Although we have the occasional time when there is a bit of an upset amongest the group mostly they all respect one another & have great times together.
I would say go on have two if you have the space & can afford them, if ever I had the chance again would most probaly go for one of each sex,my breeder got it right,two boys....! You don't stand too much chance if a breeder gets that bit wrong,nor the vets if they didn't put her right when they went for vaccs but will be great to see if there is ever a reply to that one.If you want help choosing I am sure there are a few of us here who will put an oar in ....!
Well we were only going to have the mc kitten and dh ended up getting the tonk. they are the best of friends and are constantly running around the house playing together.
It's great as dh and I both work so they keep each other company during the day.
I keep thinking of getting another MC. Darcy comes from an extremely pet filled home and I keep thinking she might like an MC friend.
I think if you are out during the day then it is nice for them to have a friend to play with. I'm lucky as I work from home and also Simba has my two dogs to play with which he does a lot plus he gets load of attention from us all so for me one is enough for now. I think he enjoys getting all the attention actually and would probably be jealous of another kitty :LOL:
I will follow this post with interest as we have decided to get two, mainly because I don't want a kitten terrorising my elderly19 yo lady. Not decided on whether to get two boys or one boy and one girl yet.....
Whats best one or two
I like the mixture of boys & girls,boys seem to have more of a laid back "village idiot" approach to life as they mature but the girls are always busy doing something,even our old girl seems to be more on the go still than the boys,the girls seem to work out things quick & the boys look on with that "Oh yeah,given time we would eventually have worked it out as well " .
Having said that our two boys from the same litter not only look completly different their characters are miles apart as well so have turned out equally as interesting.
All good fun....
So we got a second boy for our male MC when he was a bit over a year old. Up until that point he had been playing quite well with one of our girls, but as he got bigger and bigger she began to not want to play with him anymore--and made it very obvious by being mean. We found having the two boys to be really good for both of them. They played constantly until fairly recently (the younger is now 9mos). I think they are having some trouble adjusting to the larger size of the "kitten." When he was little, the older male would basically let him do anything, but sometimes when they start to play now it seems to get very rough and then one breaks it off. We are hoping they work this out so play continues, but we will see.... They still are great friends and obviously very happy to have each other around.
Our two girls have always been much less playful together than the boys. The older of them is not that much of a player. The younger girl (now 4 years) did play with each of the males quite a bit until they got close to her in size (even the 9mos old male now outweighs her).
So overall we have been pleased with having them all. They appear to like having the others around--at least most of the time--and they do help amuse each other some. Each of them has a very distinct personality. We like having both boys and girls as they do differ. On the other hand, if you get a male that is going to be much larger than the female, don't expect them to engage in very physical play for long. The females in general do not seem to like that type of play as well, and they particularly do not seem to like it with a larger cat!
Downsides? We did not find two a great deal more work than one, but four can sometimes make it feel like you are constantly dealing with cat needs (e.g., feeding, cleaning litter, picking up hairballs, grooming, etc.). And of course there is the cost, which is certainly not insubstantial (the food bills alone are rather horrifying some days, with two growing males).
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