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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thanked 11 Times in 11 Posts

    Our three are going for blood tests tomorrow!

    Please think of us at 9.10 am tomorrow as we stuff three grumpy MCs (well, they will be when they see the cat carriers) into the car to take them for their blood tests.
    This is to see what their titres are like, following Alice's FIP.

    The vets want these tests to establish a base-line; we then take them back in 3 months for a second go at the tests - hopefully the titres will be lower and then we can have them all vaccinated (vet won't do these until he is happy with their antibody levels). Also, we can then think about getting another kitten.

    There will never be a replacement for our baby Alice, but Hobbes really does need another (younger) playmate - he has exhausted Spike and Whisper this weekend




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