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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thanked 187 Times in 181 Posts

    The first trip to the vets!

    We had waited untill we were on holiday to take Hector & Roxy for their first jabs just in case of a reaction so today was the day!

    I got the carrier we brought them home in and it seems to have shrunk! Dad got them in with the help of the treat jar (don't think they will be quite so eager to come to the rattle for a day or so!!) and somehow got them both in!!

    There was a few pleading looks and paws coming out of it but they settled. We got to the vets and sat in the waiting room chatting to other pet owners, Roxy the little minx sat there enjoying the how cutes she was getting. A lady sat next to us with a huge carrier holding a kitten, as we got chatting I asked how old her DSH was and she said nine weeks, she then asked me the same question and at the response of twelve weks her eyes nearly came out of her head Her little bundle was smaller than our two when we got them!

    They were very good in the consulting room and the vet agreed they only needed the flu and enteritis jab and then wormed them, in seconds he did this bfore the jab and Roxy thought sod this and shot back into the carrier only to her great disgust she had to come back out for her jab.

    Both of them have been fast asleap since we got back so havoc will reign later no doubt




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