I took Simba to the vet today to get his hernia checked and pick up a worming tablet. The vet felt it had got larger and that I should think about getting it stitched up. She said if I didn't it may cause complications in the future. I feel stupid cos I didn't ask what complications so if anyone knows I'd like to know what risks there are in leaving it. As it is I have booked him in for the operation 2 weeks tomorrow. I'm feeling very nervous about it - poor Simba. Hope I'm doing the right thing.
I gave him his worming tablet. I put him on the kitchen table held his head up, opened his mouth, popped the pill in as far as I could and stroked his throat. He struggled a bit but all in all quite good. He did foam at the mouth a bit after - what was that? No idea but I watched closely and he didn't spit it out. I washed his mouth and gave him a treat. Thank goodness I don't have to do it again for another three or four months! He is worn out now and sleeping. He meowed all the way to the vet and all the way back but was good while he was there. The vet couldn't believe how much bigger he had got. He weighed in at 4.5kg which was what I made him a week or so ago, so either I got it wrong or he hasn't grown in that time. Either way he is apparently on target.