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  1. #16
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Under a heap of fur
    Thanked 102 Times in 98 Posts
    I was just going to say fountain to

    crazycoons not sure but the kibble Louie's isnt hard its not wet either just softish he loves it but does tend to through bits about but then chases them I think he dose it on purpose to tease the dogs then again it does go hard if left out but we have it in a little dish with a lid so the fussy lot dont help themselves Simba is ok with it but Casper & Pepsi only have 4 teeth between them & Scutter isnt allowed it because of his urinary problems. He lines up with the dogs at breakfast time for it & will come racing for it when I shake the dish at other times

    Can you not get the food mail order Scrapdragon its cheaper than getting it from the vets that way over here
    Nicki &




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