I weighed Louie the other day & he has'nt put any weight on at all this month he has started to get tall though anyone else's kitten doing this? He had the snip a couple of weeks ago & is eating fine Im not worried about him just interested :smile:
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I weighed Louie the other day & he has'nt put any weight on at all this month he has started to get tall though anyone else's kitten doing this? He had the snip a couple of weeks ago & is eating fine Im not worried about him just interested :smile:
We got a Wii fit about a month ago so I registered Harry and weighed him, about a week later I weighed him again and he put on a bit but nothing significant. Although he weighed the same I only knew he had a slight weight gain because of the graph on the wii. I weighed him yesterday and he had put on 1lb. The trouble I found with the Wii is that it only registers to the nearest llb (as far as I could make out) He weighs 12lb now, and like Louie was snipped a few weeks ago. I don't even know if his weight is normal for his age, but I guess they are like us and gain weight at varying levels. What is Louies weight now ?
According to the wii fit still 11lb he was lying full at full stretch on our table earlier with his back paws at one side & front paws at the other so measured that & 83cm long its the 1st time Ive managed to get any sort of thing like that as he's usually curled up or on his back with his legs in the air :LOL: will see what he weighs at 9 months :nod:
I'm going to try and measure Harry later, but like you say easier said than done with some of the peculiar sleeping positions they seem to adopt ! ;)
I found mine put on a lot of weight quickly until about nine months of age & then slowed down & after a year the weight only went on slowly but every time they had a growing spurt where they looked as if they couldn't control their legs as they were so gangly they actually lost weight,used to worry about it with the first one even though he was healthy & eating well,don't bother anymore just take it as natural as long as they seem ok in every other way,class it as the spotty,rebelious teenage years.I am still trying to get the length of one of my boys,he stood up against a door the other night & looked even longer than I first thought,not had much success yet but at least know the "formula" for working it out now thanks to the link posted in another thread...
I haven't weighed Simba for a while so not sure what he weighs but I haven't noticed him growing so much recently. I suppose they must slow down eventually but there was a time when I almost noticed a change when I came down in the morning. His back legs still look too big for him though so I suspect he has some growing to do. I will try and weigh him later to see what he is.
We weigh The Criminals most days and every Friday we put a dot on their kitten growth chart. It's partly to check that they're doing OK, and partly to see how far off the chart they are!! Luckily they both love sitting in the salad bowl, so we put the bowl on the kitchen scales, press zero, and plonk a kitten in it. We're quite put out if they're no heavier from one day to the next, which does happen sometimes. Then we get into discussions about time of day, whether they've eaten yet, whether they've had a poo.... crikey we have turned in to a pair of obsessives! At the moment they are 19 weeks old, and around 2.9 kgs. Our big old furbag Barney is 4.2 kgs, so they're catching him up!
:LOL: Louie has started to look like a wheel barrow again he had leveld out but his back legs are on a spurt :LOL:
Your going to need a bigger salad bowl soon Howlinbob :rofl:
Haha, you're so right! When they were smaller they would both get in it, double-decker style, Larry almost smothered underneath, Monty on top! Now it's a tight fit for them, so they get cramped and throw a limb out, then before long they give up and flop down beside it.
I think they'll move on the the fruit bowl, which is a lot bigger. Looks like I'll be putting the fruit in the salad bowl any day now...
The scales that we used to weigh Harry in when he was a baby, (the cheap plastic variety) broke so now we use the plastic bowl for Harry's dry food. :)
I'm not weighing Freyja regularly and am now panicking in case I'm supposed to be - MC weights seem to vary so wildly that I'm not sure I'd know whether the scales were telling me anything alarming or not; should I be weighing her daily/ weekly? Paranoid now!
I would just weigh her monthly unless you are concerned :nod:
No, don't worry, there isn't anything to say they have to be weighed on a daily, or weekly basis. So long as Freyja is healthy, eating regularly etc don't worry. When they are tiny it's a good guide to tell you that they are progressing as they should. As one of the things with MC's is their size, and how big they CAN get, it's just fun to compare, and something that "proud" parents do ! - that's not to say that of course if you do weigh them say monthly, you would be aware if there was a problem sometimes this could be shielded beneath all that fur ! :)
Chester was the same - he looked long and thinner before his next growth spurt.
Harry MC - how much does your harry weigh? I"m curious as Chester is about 3 months younger and want to know what to look forward to!
Harry MC - how much does your harry weigh? I"m curious as Chester is about 3 months younger and want to know what to look forward to![/QUOTE]
Harry is 12lbs now, I can't believe he could potentially almost double in size - scary !!
I managed to weigh Simba last night using some new digital bathroom scales I have. He was 5.6kg which I think is about 12 pounds isn't it. Not sure how to convert that. The scales do pounds and kgs but I had it on kgs and when I went to do it again with it switched to pounds he ran off:LOL: I can't remember when I last weighed him what he was so not sure if he is still growing but he seems pretty heavy now when I pick him up:smile: Now I have some reliable scales I may do it more regularly. Do you think he still has more growing to do?
Yep,more to come yet......
When they reach that age & older I tend to do a monthly weigh in & keep a record,not so much to see what they have put on although it is good to know & when it comes to worming you have their weights but more because of having a couple of older cats if their weight starts dropping it can give you a warning of problems starting up.
Commonly, what is the weight range for a Male MC? (in kgs)
Kilo to pound conversion (1kg = 2.2046 lbs)... which makes your Simba 12.34 lbs.
My Merlin was 6.62kg when he was 8 months old and he kept growing up until he reached 19 months old weighing at 11.90kg (26.23 lbs).
Rocco was 5.53kg at 8 months and became stagnated at 8.80kg (19.40 lbs) from 20 months onwards.
Your Simba will grow MORE :)
Thanks for that. Your Merlin was a big boy! Do you have any pictures of him? I can't imagine a cat weighing that much! He must have looked very impressive.
I always thought the average weight of a male MC was about 17 pounds but I can't imagine Simba getting that big even.
Here is a link to the breeder's site showing my Merlin when he was 12 months old.
Merlin Maximus
Yup! That's me carrying Merlin :)
Merlin is a handsome boy and what a pretty kitten he was too.
What a fantastic looking cat ,you must be so proud of him.
Had the wii out again today, so decided to weigh Harry again, it was 2 weeks ago since I last weighed him and he's put on 1lb in 2 weeks ! 13 pounds now, surely he won't get much bigger will he, I just can't imagine it he seems huge now !
Oh yes he will.....
Just weighed Louie & he is 12lb he's sneeked 1lb on in 3 weeks so a bit happier now as he put nothing on for a month :smile:
I think like children they must have growing spurts. I expect they all grow at different rates. It's funny cos at 12 pounds I can't imagine Simba getting much bigger he is such a weight now and getting harder to carry around:smile:
It's funny because I can't wait for Chester to be HUGE, but then I think he's adorable right now as a kitten too! haha
I know, we're the same! Laggs and Monty are 5 months old and 3.3 kgs each - they are the size of an adult cat but still quite kitten-like! They are both developing a fine fur ruff around the neck, and really starting to look handsome. We can't wait for them to be big, but at the same time, it's great the size they are now....:satisfied: