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Thread: Papers?

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    I want to make sure my future kitten (when I find one) is a pedigree but how can you tell that, with a dog its KC registration but I dont know what to google to find out that a kitten is a pedegree, I mean what papers should they come with?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Papers ?

    Google breeders for your area & phone & have a chat with them,if you find one that you think you would like to get to know more about ask if you can go & visit.That way you would see mum & as a lot have their own stud cat hopefully dad as well.When you actually buy a kitten you will get a Certified pedigree of that cat,a very important piece of paper.Don't go for "kittens" advertised in a paper at a price that seems a bargain,I have a friend with one that paid half of what you would expect to pay for a MC,she paid cash,the people brought it to her home so she didn't even see where it came from,they forgot its pedigree so were going to send it on,she had no receipt for the money paid & as you have most probaly guessed she ended up with a very pretty blue but expensive "moggie".
    Even the telephone number she had is unavailable now....!
    Chances are that if you put on here that you are going to see a breeder at ***** someone will pop up & say I have had one from there.
    Good luck with your hunting & keep us updated & when baby arrives post pictures so we can all go broody,great fun....

  3. #3
    Top Cat
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    Yep would say that was really good advice. Similar thing happened to a friend of mine who bought what she thought was a Patterdale Terrier from someone who lived on a farm. He asked them to phone him when they were in the area so that he could give them directions to the farm. When they phoned he told them that the farm was flooded but as he had a landrover he would meet them at a local garage on the main road. Once handed this little tiny and I mean tiny pup my friend couldn't leave him and brought him home. Within 48 hours he was on a drip at the vets and my friend was told it was 50/50. Luckily he pulled through and the rest is history but there's a lesson to be learnt. It is so worth your time looking around, go to a couple of breeders, make your choice and then unfortunately, more than likely you'll have a bit of a wait, but it will be worth it
    Oh and I forgot to say that "Earl" the Patterdale wasn't a Patterdale either !

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by thecatsmother View Post
    I want to make sure my future kitten (when I find one) is a pedigree but how can you tell that, with a dog its KC registration but I dont know what to google to find out that a kitten is a pedegree, I mean what papers should they come with?
    When I started looking for a kitten I went on to the Maine Coon Cat Club website - it claims to be the official UK site for MC's, and on there it covers patterns, colours and breeders; you find your region in the breeders list and go from there. I live in Surrey and found six within an hours drive. I then went on to each website and emailed the breeders and went from there. I've attached a link to the site, check out the left hand side for links to breeders, colouring and a guide to buying MC kittens.


    Some breeders put clauses into the purchase, i.e. I won't get Freyja's pedigree papers until I've had her spayed and can confirm that to the breeder. Others can insist that the cats must be indoor cats - make sure you check before you proceed in case you're not happy with the conditions.

    Happy hunting, keep us posted!
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca




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