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Thread: Confession time

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  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
    Join Date
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    Confession time

    I did a really really silly thing yesterday. I was quite happy to wait till next July for my mc then a friend sent me a link to an advert for a mc kitten whos owners son had become allergic and the kittens breeder was away on holiday and couldnt take her back, so I tried to put it out of my head but my oh said it couldnt hurt to look, and omg I went and she was in a house full of other cats and being fed on whiskers adult cat food and I found myself paying for her and taking her, please dont shout at me. She is beautiful and I didnt pay very much for her at all and now I need to persuade my oh to let me have another mc next year so I can do it the right way. Am I forgiven for being silly and irresponsible? I posted a thread asking about papers but I had kinda worked out that hers werent the genuine article by that time. Shes about 8 weeks old btw so the poor little girl should probably still be with mum.




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