The name Tiki just sort of popped into my head, but I wanted something that fit our life style as well as the cat.
I love coming up with names, and had a huge list but of course the last one I came to, was it!
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The name Tiki just sort of popped into my head, but I wanted something that fit our life style as well as the cat.
I love coming up with names, and had a huge list but of course the last one I came to, was it!
Naming pets is always fun! I generally tend towards the more unusual names where I can (often after characters from books). I've got a couple of ideas of what to name my future MC, but it will depend on what suits them!
However, in case you are interested my ratses names are as follows (with what they actually think they are called in brackets afterwards): Taryn (Tazzy-poo-mouse), Flavia Albia (Albia or Al), Thalia Sophrona (Talli) and Sosia Camillina (Sosy, Sosy-nose or Fluff Monkey).
We have two Ragdolls, Rags official name is Ragland Alamo Gant S-squire, although we call him Rags, sometimes its Ragamuffin. Wendy is sometimes called Wendy Lou or Wendy girl.
We get our first MC kitten on August 2nd. He is currently named Moose by the breeder and try as we may, have not come up with anything better. So, unless it changes before then, he will be Moose.
I live in an old victorian townhouse and the earliest owners on the deeds were a baron and baroness (why they lived in a townhouse in Surrey is a mystery but there you go). I found a photo online of my house from 1915 and there's a woman leaning on the front garden gate that we assume is the baroness. Her maiden name was Romaine Stone, so that became the latter part of the pedigree name. I like to name things after gods, angels or fallen angels (even my cars are named that way) and had a long list of potential first names but after I saw Freyja at the breeders for the first time, I decided on Freyja. So she's named after the Norse Goddess of War, Love and Beauty (even more appropriate now she's home!) and a Victorian Baroness.
However, she is frequently called Shadow, Duster, Baggypants, Freyja-poo, PsychoKitty and Hatter, depending on just how crazy she's being at any given moment!
Darcy came with her name. But we call her Squatch short for Sasquatch because she's SO much bigger then my other kitties
Always liked the name Oscar for a boy cat, so it was easy deciding his name, some times we affectionately call him Ozzy cat,his pedigree name is Mistyfoot, which we choose out of the breeders daughters serious of novels she is currently reading. (cant remember what they are called now!)
Murphy - was already named like that as we got him from a rescue organisation
Destiny - I wanted a name with a specific meaning like that. I had several that I tried on her. As I called her Destiny for the first time she meowed - so I named her Destiny :)
Joycee - I wanted to give her a name that has joy in it - here it is :)
We just got another Maine Coon last night. His name, is Parker..... ;-)
Eric was called that because OH is a manu fan and ...eric cantona ...and ernie ...well we are of that age ! Absolutley nothing to with their pedigree names