Cat names
Just wondering, as there are lots of great cat names around this forum, how did you come to choose your cat's name? It can be quite difficult deciding on a name which everyone likes, and which fits in with your other pets' names.
We find that whatever the official name is, it soon morphs into something else entirely.
For example, at the moment, Larry is always called Laggs; Monty gets called Mozz, or Norm; Barney gets called Bosis and Humphrey gets called Little Humphreyton or The Killer.
Sometimes the nicknames get so daft, we daren't repeat them to anyone outside the house! :LOL:
Cat names
Some of the names mine get called I wouldn't want anyone else to hear but it is normally because they have wound me up to the point where foghorn Lil takes over & the language needs to be censored..... but normally China Blue is called China or occasionally Chin Chins, Pansy never had a pedigree name or papers as being very flat chested she was not expected to be here too long but she is known as Pansy Potter,Robert the Bruce takes the last part of his name & it never changes other than when he has one of his moods on & then its Brucie because you seem to be able to get a bit more depth into your voice,Magicol Merlyn is Merl,Shimba Mara is Shims & Wellynton Boots plain old Welly,daughters two are Crystal & she becomes Crissie & the only one who really takes on a bit different name is Ozzy Valentino,will answer to Oz but really knows who you are talking too if you say Odd Bod so pretty boring really aren't we !
Hector is also known as Hectorsnorus as I have never heard a cat snore quite like he does or chainsaw puss due to his loud purr and Roxy is know as snugglepuss as she loves to snuggle up on me.
Louie gets that dam cat at the mo :rofl: Simba gets skinny as he looks though he is never fed but is fine since haveing his thyroids removed. Scutter cant repeat on here & Casper - Ghost cat as he very rarely comes out till the lights have gone off :LOL:
The dogs have a lot more names though :shy:
It's always fun choosing the name of your new kitten/cat. We've done it just by looking at them, holding them and seeing 'what' they look like. My BF said immediately after seeing the MC kitten at 2 weeks, "Oh, he looks like a Chester!' - and no matter what other names we came up with, we always went back to that.
Chester can often be referred to as many names: Chessypie, Master Chester, Chesterpeak, Chessy, etc.... It's funny how we give them affectionate terms and nicknames like we do our closest companions/family/partners!
Yeah we do the same, give them nicknames I mean, Harry also answers to Haribo, Har, and my stepson calls him Harrison ? no I can't work that one out either ;)
I know what you mean ' Kenzo' now answers to Kenno/Kenner/Big furro boy, oh all sorts, doesn't seem to mind though as long as he gets fed and cuddled!!! :LOL:
Gryfn's pedigree name is Optimus Prime... but I wanted something different for his everyday name... dh and the kids sometimes call him Griff.
Charlie Brown is usuall charlie, but the kids sometimes call him Mr Brown... I sometimes call him some very impolite names when he's being mental... :rofl:
Simba's name was chosen by my kids but he very rarely get's called that. When I'm calling him it's usually pus pus or kitty kitty or big boy and those are what he comes running too. I think the dogs think their name is NO:LOL:
The name of my boy on the pedigree - Moulin Rouge. And at home we call him simply Rysch. :smile:
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