I't reached 30 the last few days. Not used to this heat and sleeping at night with Simba big lump lying on me means I haven't had much sleep. During the day Simba is out mostly lying in a bush in the shade but the dogs lie in doors where it is cooler. Simba does seem to prefer it out side though. Not looking forward to tomorrow though as we are having someone round to cut the field for hay and that means Simba will have to be shut in all day. Think he may complain a little but although he very rarely ventures into the field I'm not going to risk it as the grass is so long you wouldn't see him.
Awwww.... Louie looks soooo cute!!!!! Wow, he looks big for an 8 month old - am excited to see how Chester turns out in a few months when he's that age!
Louie is sulking today the rain has gone :LOL: & a strong breeze so quite nice here thank spots it has been to hot for furry purry paws. On friday night we were just going to bed & he came flying up the stairs absolutely soaked & plonked himself in the middle of our bed to share :stressed: MC's who'd have them :winkwink:
Louie looks soooooo cute!!!
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