Freedom at last
After being cooped up all day in doors because of hay making tonight after they had gone home Simba was allowed out. Boy did he have some energy to use up. His first port of call was to climb his favourite tree
he literally runs up the tree now he is so confident.
Second port of call the trampoline to join the dogs;
Next his favourite lookout post surveying the fields out the back. Now it's all been cut he can see more.
But a call from Mum and he is back to lie down next to me while I drink my tea;
He is such a great cat - love him to bits, He is so good at coming when called now he literally runs to me:smile:
Freedom at last
Lovely pictures,what a handsome,lucky,very spoilt boy he looks....
Lovely pictures Karena, Simba is looking great ! and I must say I am envious of your beautiful garden and the lovely views you have. Has Simba got a heart shape on his side (trampoline pic) ?
I've never noticed that before - I tried to check but he is fast asleep on his right side so I will have a better look in the morning - be cool if he did though:smile:
The land at the back belongs to my mother who lives next door. Bit of a pain during the hay making season though as I daren't let him out and boy does he complain! Hopefully will all be finished by the weekend though - they didn't finish cutting the bottom fields today so they are coming back tomorrow morning to finish that, then it is turning and then bailing so he will have to be in a bit longer.
He's definitely a very handsome fella!
I love those photos of Simba - they tell a story in themselves. What a glorious, gorgeous cat you have! - of course I'm partial to the red classic tabbies as that is what Chester is. What an amazing length and tail Simba has! He is spectacular.
Fantastic pics :smile: Simba is turning into a very handsome young man :nod:
Thank you all for your kind remarks - Simba's head is growing by the minute:LOL:
Oh and Miss Kitty - he is a Cream and White Tabby not red classic though I dear say there is not that much difference between the colours.
Harrymc - I looked for the love heart but couldn't see a clear love heart shape - funny cos it is definitely obvious on the picture - it must have been the way the light was catching it.
I can see the heart its up side down near his front leg :LOL:
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